By St. John Bosco
These fascinating dreams involve prophecy and reading
of hearts, with a powerful spiritual message. Includes: To Hell and Back, Two Boys Attacked by a Monster, The Snake and the
Rosary, and many more. These dreams led to many conversions and will instruct, admonish and inspire today! Some scholars
claim that according to St. Malachy Benedict XVI is the last Pope.

Conversation with God,
By Neale Donald Walsch
Is a sequence of nine books written by Neale Donald Walsc, written as a dialogue in which Walsch asks questions and "God"
answers. The first book of the Conversations with God series, Conversations with God, Book 1: An Uncommon Dialogue,
appeared on bookshelves in 1995, and quickly became a publishing phenomenon, staying on the New York Times
Best-Sellers List for 137 weeks. The succeeding volumes in the trilogy also appeared prominently on the List.
There are three books, which is must to read.
Friendship with God (An uncommon diaalogue) by: Neale Donald Walsh (2002).
Home with God IIn a life that never ends) by: Neale Donald Waslh (2004).
Books by Paulo Coelho:
The Fifth Mountain, by: Paulo Coelho (1998).
The Pilgrimage, by: Paulo Coelho (2001).
Persuasive business proposals, by: Tom Sant (2007).
An extraordinary gathering of Angels, by: Margaret Barker
(This is a fresh and unique study of angels from Jewish and Christian traditions. Featuring over 170 illustrations, including
painting, frescoes, stained glass windows, icons and scultupres.)
The Nature Of Good And Evil, by: Sylvia Browne (2001)
Celebrity psychic Sylvia Browne offers this third installment in her Journey of the
Soul series. Readers familiar with Browne's beliefs of Gnostic Christianity (The Society of Novus Spiritus)
know that she is an advocate of studying questions rather than dogma. As she has with the other two book...
Secret Societies by Sylvia Browne ( Paperback - 2007-10-25 )Reveals
the conspiracies, cover-ups, secrets, misinformation, and power manipulations of secret societies, and how they can affect
us. This work tells us about secret societies that have good intentions and those that do not, and teaches about the ones
to watch, which have goals that could help ...
Camposanto, por: Iker Gimenez (2005)
Este libro trata sobre la fascinante y oculta vida del pintor Flamenco El Bosco. De la busqueda incesante del lado
oscuro a traves de la investigacion del personaje de un periodista que llega hasta las ultimas consecuencias para descubrir
el mensaje oculto de las pinturas de Hyeronimus Bosch (El Bosco).