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Aura colors and Healing Techniques

Thoughts........ Your state of mind and body says a lot of yourself. Learn to be at peach with you by learning your true colors. Life it's stressful enough for us to be carrying negative fields of energy with us. Through my webpage I will assist you to learn about you and to make daily living simple enough.






Auras are the physical manifestation of the electric field surrounding each and every living thing. That is what causes shocks when touching something metal. It's considered a graphic representation of the human soul (not the soul, but an indicator of it). It is like an external directional signal indicating the spiritual essence of the person wearing it. Some individuals have the ability to see these Auras, which have different colors, depending on the person.

White: A lot of energy being sensed. Spiritual, higher-self connected,
also connected to the spiritual world. Can create aloofness and separative
energies because it keeps out other colors. Can also be used as protection.

Red: Physical Energy; physically-based personality or sensuality.
The emotions can range from the fire of raging passion and anger to
the soft warmth of love and effection. Harsh Reds (such as crimson) tend
to indicate emotionally charged physical animation, usually anger and
perhaps some hatred. Warm Reds, sensuous, or physically charged and healthy.Can also "feel" the energy projected from a Red Aura.

Orange: Friendly, open, up-beat, and approachable. Orange is
the color of vitality, vigor, good health, and sexual excitement. A burnt
Orange can show tiredness (usually around the fringes of a dull Orange).

Yellow: Intellectual, thinking, working faculties. Yellow shows
creativity and inspiration at work or a readiness to be creative.

Green: Healthy, balanced, calming, charming, sensualness, and
sensibilty. Green is the color of growth and change, indicates the
cycles of Mother Nature. An emerald Green shows completeness of an endeavor.

Blue: Intellectual, calm, reserved, cool, pleasant, convinced;
sometimes an integrated personality exuding charisma. Blue provides
sensitivity and yet it can make the best of barriers against warmer
energies. Can represent peace and spirituality.

Violet: Spiritual, sensitive, focused but not necessarily in reality.
High vibration, tuning into Master Teacher's energy. Can be used to
raise the consciousness/vibrations of the energy around it. Violet
is associated to the feminine principle.

Purple: It is a combination of Blue and Red, a combination of wisdom
and understanding. Shows sensitivity to a particular situation. Can
move "into" other colors and bring out information connected with it.
Shows true psychic abilities.

Pink: Physical energy being diffused, hence it is a calming color.

Lime Green: Not a prevalent color, shows unbalanced; usually stress-related.

Brown: Need to work with this color to get a feel for it. Could be
warm rich and well integrated person, or one who is unhealthy, or
just to much going on (different types of stress).

Black: Nothing getting out, shielding or hiding. Hides feelings from
others and creates privacy. Draws light to it, total absorption. Feeling
tired? Feel the world sucking around one? Or is it like a flat black,
a scintillation of one's own energy being diffused out? In other words,
is there a metallic tint? If feeling drained, it could be a "psychic vampire".
Otherwise, it may be someone who is very skilled who doesn't want to be noticed, scanned or bothered. Usually the colors when viewed with these individual's tend to be more metallic. Many people misinterpret these also.

Silver: Reveals an awakening of consciousness to the Universal Laws.
Also shows abundance and money.

Gold: Gold is the color of the Higher Self. The right use of
this energy can give protection from negativity. Tuning into a
Master Teacher's energy, associated with the masculine principle.
Attractive to others, can provide great healings and wonderful
outcomes to goals. Can be used to raise the consciousness.

Mixed Shades: (like mixed Reds) Mixed emotion. Stability should be
questioned. Generally not based in reality.

I am able to read your aura in ten to twenty minutes..

Aura clearing (cleaning), properly called an Aurapathic Survey, is vital to your personal and spiritual growth. Your aura, the field of energy that surrounds your body, needs to occasionally be detoxified and healed of the damage that accumulates over time. In some cases, people carry this damage from past lifetimes. Regardless of the cause of this damage, a toxic aura can negatively affect your thoughts, feelings and attitudes to a point that is destructive to your well-being. The good news is that this harmful damage can easily be erased, setting you free from the prison of self-limitation.

What are some of the signs that might indicate a need for a personal aura clearing, a.k.a. an Aurapathic Survey?

If you have had ongoing feelings of physical, mental, or emotional discomfort. If you recently went through a major transition: a divorce, a move, a change in employment. If you have a chronic physical condition that refuses to yield to treatment. If you have various stress related symptoms, feel drained of energy, or have long-term associations with negative people. These would all be reasons to get your aura cleaned. Many of these symptoms are related to having no shields in place to protect you, which make you susceptible to the stresses of everyday life. Once your aura is cleared, shields are always put in place. 

My Services:

Angel Therapy
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person's guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.  During your session you will be connected with the angels, Archangels, and guardian angels to provide you with guidance, and allow etheric cord cutting and energy clearing.  Angel Guidance cards are often used during a session to validate information. 

I work throught the Archangel of Salvation, Uriel which has shown me how to heal every aspect of lives, turning disappointments into victories, find blessings in adversity, and release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness. Uriel uses his flaming sword to purify mental and emotional understanding and transmute lower vibrational energies into enlightened spiritual understanding. Uriel brings the power of unconditional forgiveness to humanity as the key to transcending the Shift entering the Kingdom of the Creator, the higher realms of energetic vibration and consciousness.

He is releasing his message at this time because humanity has indicated, through its willingness to embrace the Shift in Consciousness, that it is ready to listen, act and transcend the human experience. While he stands at the gate of the Garden of Eden with his flaming sword, to deny entry to those who have forgotten how to love the Creator God, he also holds out the key to entry, the application of Unconditional Forgiveness to every area of our lives.

Sessions are one-hour. $ 30.00

Aura Colors and Cleansing.
Aura is "universal life energy" which brings us toward the natural wholeness of our beings.  The practice of Aura Color/Cleansing may lead to deeper understanding of your path and relationship to spirit.  The gentle touch restores and balances your emotions, can aid in recovery from injury or illness and can enhance your energy. 

Sessions are offered in 30-, 60- or 90-minute increments. $ 30 to 40.00

All individual session are confidential.